Wednesday, April 1, 2009


One of the obstacles that Brian overcomes is a huge bear giving him multiple attacks. On one of the bear attacks the bear destroys part of Brian's camp.
Another major obstical he must over come is finding food in the winter months. He was able to overcome this challenege by being resilent and finding a way to kill muiple animals such deer, moose, rabits, fool birds and fish.
The snunk, Betty became Brian's companion. Being alone in the wilderness made Brian feel lonely so he tried to find someone or something to fill the void of friendship. Betty also saved Brian from the ferocious bear by spraying the bear to fend it off.
Brian is alone in the wilderness trying to survive. The winter comes up on him very fast and catches him off guard. Brian survived the winter by making a bow and arrows out of woods materials to kill a moose and later on a deer. He used the moose hide to make a winter parka and used deer hide as boots to keep him warm.

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